Precision Model Designs, LLC |
Each tree set comes with a small bag of flock and "weeds" to add further detail to your finished tree models... |
The above fallen log/ rock formations bases are cleaned, primed black first... |
Cleaned model... |
And another cleaned model... |
Primed black, note haw flat the paint is on the model. This spray paint is Wal-Mart's flat black paint and about a buck a can! |
Once dry the models are lightly misted with grey primer yet again from Wal-Mart. "Misting" is simplly spraying the model VERY lightly... |
Once the last step has dried, I used "Brite" floor cleaner to thin down the acrylic (water based paint). the floor cleaned has a lower surface tension so when used in the paint about 1 to 1 mix, it acts as a stain and gets into the depressions very well... |
Next, dabb the paint with the end of the brush on to the base. do this in all the areas you believe is earth, be sure not to get the rocks of logs areas... |
Let completely dry... |
Next go over the rock areas with gray paint... |
Dry Brush the rock areas with light gray to white... |
Use a dark brown stain (we used ciatdels's Dark Brown ink) to paint the log and stump areas... |
Let COMPLETELY dty! Place models on a white piece of paper... use poly vynal glue (Elmer's) and dab the areas you would like to have the flock on your models... |
Pour the bag of flock over the models ... |
Next, carefully lift the models and tap them until the excess flocks falls off . Remove the models and let dry. Take the extra flock on the paper and crease the paper and put it back into you bag or other storage container of your choosing... |
Get some of the weeds and hold them tightly... |
Either cut with scissors or (I think the best way) place on a pad and use a sharp hobby knife and cut straight accross so the edge is nice and flat. Hold onto the weeds until you place them on the base (donot try to put them down as they will spread out again) |
where you want the weeds, add a spot of instant glue... |
Place the flat end of the weeds onto the spot of instant glue and hold untl it sets (we used an accelerator in this case to speed the process) |
Use a pair of sicissors to cut the weeds in various areas as weeds are not even... |
Next spread them out and push on them gently until you get the desired look and you are done... |
Here is another I had done... |
Finally drill a small hole into the stump and add the tree... |
And they are done, they look great! you will be suprised how much this will add to your game table and game experience by doing simple things like this and it does not take that long. I painted these 2 models in about 15-20mins! |
Other samples... |
Other samples... |
Other samples... |
Enjoy! |